Elementary Enrollment Rebalancing Project

  • At the January 21 Board meeting, the LCSC School Board approved new attendance boundaries for our elementary schools, effective starting with the 2025-2026 school year. This adjustment aligns with our ongoing efforts to maximize the efficiency of our school spaces and prepare for future enrollment patterns as our community grows.
    To see which school your student will attend in the fall of 2025, please visit the interactive map. Be sure to select the "25-26 Elementary Boundaries" option in the left-hand column under the “View School Boundaries” drop down menu, then enter your address in the search bar to view the assigned school for your location. If you experience any issues viewing the new attendance zones, try clearing your browser history and re-entering your address in the search bar.
    We understand that changes in school attendance areas impact families in different ways. While it is challenging to meet every individual preference, we appreciate the feedback and participation of our community throughout this process. We are proud of the staff, administrators, and facilities each of our elementary schools offer our families and know they are eager to welcome new students into their school families next school year.
    Additional updates, information and details will be shared via ParentSquare next week. Thank you for your support and partnership as we plan for the future success of LCSC!

    *Updated January 22, 2025*

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