Students cannot be dropped off early nor should they walk to school early as they will not be allowed into the building until the first morning bell rings. This is especially important during the very cold winter months.
Morning Bell: 8:45am (Students come in, grab a breakfast if they are eating and get to their classrooms)
Tardy Bell: 9:00am All students must be in their classroom or they will be counted as tardy
Dismissal Bell: 3:50pm
All students are dismissed. Bike Riders and Bus Riders will exit out the back, Walkers will exit out the entrance in the front of the building (Door 2) that is closest to Williams Street. Car riders will exit out of the main entrance (Door 1).
Inclement Weather: 3:50pm unless directed by Superintendent of early release.
Students will be dismissed from the inside of the building. Central Elementary Staff will be outside meeting with the parents waiting in their cars to get their child/childrens names. We send them out accordingly. This procedure does take a little more time than the normal dismissal so we ask for your patience and cooperation.
Change in Transportation: If there is a change in your student's transportation please call the main office (765) 482-2000 by 3:00 pm.