LCSC High Ability Program


    The Lebanon Community School Corporation recognizes that regardless of socio-economic, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds, students will perform, show potential to perform, or display at an outstanding level accomplishments in the core academic areas of English Language Arts and mathematics. LCSC is committed to identifying students through systematic, on-going procedures; thus providing high ability services that nurture an environment that challenges high ability students to meet their full potential as lifelong learners.


    Students with high abilities require differentiated services, curriculum and instruction. The school corporation must provide those experiences in order to meet the students’ needs and develop their gifts into talents. The development of appropriate gifted education programming requires comprehensive services based on sound philosophical, theoretical, and empirical support. We believe high ability students have unique needs and require special services. We believe high ability students can be twice exceptional and can come from all socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds.


    1. Meet the affective needs of high ability students in the areas of self-concept, self-direction, leadership, and interpersonal skills.

    2. Develop and maintain an articulated quality program K-12 in order to encourage an understanding of the high ability learner within the school community.

    3. Build on the basic knowledge and skills required by the Indiana Common Core Standards by providing differentiated curriculum, flexible programs, and extended opportunities for the intellectual growth of identified students.

    4. Encourage students to model excellence in their achievements.

    5. Provide opportunities for students to understand their unique qualities in order to develop a realistic concept of themselves and to become contributing members of society.