Identification Process

  • Research supports a set of specific procedures for identifying students with high abilities in an equitable, fair, valid, and defensible way. High ability manifests itself in different ways in different cultures or socio-economic groups. Multiple criteria are used for identification, including: student achievement, student ability, and parent and teacher observations. All students are in the initial pool regardless of nomination. (Nomination forms available online, from classroom teachers, and at each school’s main office.)

    • Parent and Teacher nominations are accepted during the month of December. 
    • A committee of staff members meets as a selection committee for each of the identification and placement levels of elementary, middle school and high school.
    • All student information is anonymous as students are assigned a number for the committee work. 
    • After identification has taken place, parents receive written notification of the recommendation for their student.
    • An appeal time allows guardians or parents to request a review of the data for a particular student. A different group of staff members meets as the appeals committee.