- Hattie B. Stokes Elementary
- Family Engagement
We support and promote family engagement in school! We encourage you to stay involved in your child's education. Check back here for additional Family Engagement Opportunities for the 24-25 school year!
Welcome to Hattie B. Stokes! Whether you are a first time elementary school parent or an experienced pro, we would like to invite you to get involved! As a PTO we strive to make our school the best it can possibly be by supporting our teachers, students, and staff! We meet every month throughout the school year and offer childcare for all ages. Meetings are held in the Media Center and Childcare is offered in the cafeteria. See all dates below.
Parent involvement is a critical part in your child’s learning experience here at HBS. We are actively looking for parents to become part of the PTO! No matter what your talent is, we would like you on our team!
Be sure to follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/HattieBStokesPTO/ for event information and volunteer opportunities! You can also contact us at hattiebpto@gmail.com. We hope to see YOU involved! -
Watch D.O.G.S.
Another way to get involved at HBS is WATCH D.O.G.S! This is a one-of-a-kind, school-based male involvement program that works to support education and safety by providing positive male influence! They help teachers and staff by being the extra eyes and ears of the school to keep children safe!
For more information on how to get involved e-mail hattiebdogs@gmail.com!
Hope to see YOU involved!