• AP Language & Composition

    Master of the Argument

    Students in the Advanced Placement English Language and Composition course created the websites listed here as a culmination of a semester-long study.  Students selected their own topics and positions to argue, conducted original research which included personal interviews with experts in the students’ chosen fields and a minimum of two hours of work within the field.  These experiences helped shape the students’ arguments.  The views expressed within the websites belong to the students and are not necessarily endorsed by Lebanon High School / Lebanon Community School Corporation, its faculty, or its administration. Not all presentations listed here may be suitable for all audience members. You may also view the evolution of our presentations by searching #APLangMasteroftheArgument on Instagram or by visiting our class Instagram: @coddingtonsroom.

    Youth Theater is the Answer

    By: Amelia Schoeff

    Suicide Prevention

    By: Aydan Wetter, Lexie Ferguson & Maria Benitez-Rojas

    Opt to Adopt

    By: Valeria Alfonzo, Max Cooper & Carmen Gallman

    Play Safe: Injury Prevention & Recovery

    By: Alec Sell, Brayden Beckham & Kalvin Burdine

    The Unhoused in Central Indiana

    By: Masin Cassis, Sophia Neihart & Dylan Trent